Raffaella Tabacco
(University of Udine)
9/9/23, 9:00 AM
The lecture aims to present innovation as a major driver of competitiveness. It aims to describe
different types of innovation. Additionally, the lecture aims to present some of the main activities a
company should manage in order to create a successful innovation.
• What is innovation? Different types of innovations
• Challenges of managing innovation
SImon Mokorel
(RRA North Primorska)
9/9/23, 11:30 AM
- Art & Design Thinking - introduction: Slides: 15 minutes
- Innovation management on DeepTech in SMEs and social enterprises: Slides: 15 minutes
- Deep tech innovation cases in Slovenia: Slides: 15 minutes
- Deep Tech innovation cases in big companies: Slides: 15 minutes
- Building your own first DeepTech innovation case: 30 minutes (Hands-On)