7–11 Oct 2024
University of Nova Gorica, Lanthieri mansion, Vipava, Slovenia
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Is ChatGPT Transforming Academics' Writing Style?

Not scheduled
University of Nova Gorica, Lanthieri mansion, Vipava, Slovenia

University of Nova Gorica, Lanthieri mansion, Vipava, Slovenia

Oral presentation Contributing talks


Mingmeng Geng (SISSA)


Based on one million arXiv papers submitted from May 2018 to January 2024, we assess the textual density of ChatGPT's writing style in their abstracts by means of a statistical analysis of word frequency changes. Our model is calibrated and validated on a mixture of real abstracts and ChatGPT-modified abstracts (simulated data) after a careful noise analysis. We find that ChatGPT is having an increasing impact on arXiv abstracts, especially in the field of computer science, where the fraction of ChatGPT style abstracts is estimated to be approximately 35%, if we take the output of one of the simplest prompts, "revise the following sentences", as a baseline. We conclude with an analysis of both positive and negative aspects of the penetration of ChatGPT into academics' writing style.

Primary authors

Mingmeng Geng (SISSA) Prof. Roberto Trotta (SISSA, Italy)

Presentation materials

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