Introduction to Deep Learning and Nanotechnology Applications

Sep 7, 2023, 1:30 PM
1h 30m
ROOM S8 (Consorzio Universitario)


Consorzio Universitario

via Prasecco 3/A - 33170 Pordenone, Italy


Saptashwa Bhattacharyya (University of Nova Gorica)


  1. Paradigm of AI (Current Advancements): Slides: 15 minutes
  2. How to think about neural networks (Slides): 15 minutes
  3. Images = Matrices (+ what is Convolution?): 20 minutes
  4. Building your first neural network: 20 minutes (Hands-On)
  5. Can your network identify simple images?: 20 minutes (Hands-On)
  6. Complex Network == Complex Tasks: 30 minutes (Hands-On)

Presentation materials