Business strategies in high-innovation potential areas (Nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, Artificial intelligence)

3 May 2024, 16:30
1h 30m
204A (University of Leon)


University of Leon

Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial, Informática y Aeroespacial




Syllabus outline:
This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in business strategy development and management process of its implementation in high-innovation potential areas (Nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, Artificial intelligence). This course focuses on strategic analysis, strategic planning, developing and implementing strategies.

Objective competences:
A comprehensive overview of business strategies in high-innovation potential areas (Nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, Artificial intelligence)
A comprehensive overview of key methods in business strategic analysis in high-innovation potential areas
Practical skills for business strategic analysis in high-innovation potential areas
Practical skills for formulating the vision, mission, objectives and road map in startups in high-innovation potential areas
Practical skills for building a business model canvas for startups in high-innovation potential areas

Intended learning outcomes:
1. Understanding the importance of business planning in the process of creating startups
2. Students will be able to perform the business strategic analysis in high-innovation potential areas.
3. Students will be able to formulate the vision, mission, objectives and road map in startups in high-innovation potential areas
4. Students will be able to build a business model canvas for startups in high-innovation potential areas.
4. Mini-Internship to get started with business strategic planning in startups in Nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, Artificial intelligence

Hunsaker, B.T.; Knowles, J. Effective Innovation Begins with Strategic Direction. MIT Sloan Manag. Rev. 2021, 11. Available online:
Wolf, V.; Dobrucka, R.; Przekop, R.; Haubold, S. Innovation strategies in the context of the paradigm of the five dimensions of innovation strategy. Logforum 2021, 17, 205–211.
Gaubinger, K.; Rabl, M.; Swan, S.; Werani, T. Innovation Strategy. In Innovation and Product Management; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2015; pp. 61–80.

Presentation Materials