Additive manufacturing as a mean for supporting rapid development of innovative products

19 Apr 2024, 10:00
1h 30m
204A (University of Leon)


University of Leon

Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial, Informática y Aeroespacial


Joaquín Barreiro García (Universidad de León) Mrs Sofía Peláez


Syllabus outline:
1. What is additive manufacturing and its basic operating principle (10 minutes)
2. Review of groups of technologies and materials in additive manufacturing (40 minutes)
3. Capabilities, advantages, constraints and limits of additive manufacturing (15 minutes)
4. Application of additive manufacturing for innovating. Scope of application (15 minutes)
5. Trends and future of additive manufacturing (10 minutes)
6. Practical case using free software (45 minutes)

Objective competences:
Comprehensive overview of the different additive manufacturing technologies.
Knowledge about limits and advantages of additive processes compared to traditional manufacturing.
Basic knowledge about the actions for preparing, manufacturing and post-processing a part in additive manufacturing.
Practical simulation of a case

Intended learning outcomes:
1. To know the reason behind the revolution of additive manufacturing in manufacturing of products
2. To understand the reason which justify the consideration of additive manufacturing as one of the key enabling technologies in strategic agendas
3. To know the range of industrial technologies for additive manufacturing
4. To understand the process flow when manufacturing a product by additive manufacturing

Presentation Materials